Get the help you need to make the changes you deserve
Enhancing Psychological Growth, Emotional Well-Being and Balance

Are you struggling? Suffering? Perhaps the difficulties stem from your job, relationship or family? Maybe your life is in a good place, but you still feel dissatisfied. Stressful behaviors or moods return, over and over. Possibly transitions have been difficult or events from the past continue to bother you. In big or even small ways, things just aren’t going right. You owe it to yourself to find a better way. When you’re ready to sit down and talk with someone who will truly listen with compassion, make an appointment.
Kathleen A. Lyon MD is a board certified psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in practice in New York City for over 30 years. She graduated from and is on the faculty of the Psychoanalytic Association of New York, (PANY), and is a training analyst there. She teaches and supervises in psychiatric residency and psychoanalytic training programs, and also supervises privately.
In addition, she is a student of Buddhism for over 20 years and has completed multiple meditation and study retreats. She works with adults and older adolescents with a broad range of needs, including identity, relationship, and work difficulties, as well as parenting, grief and difficulties with stage of life changes. She is interested in her client’s spiritual experience and its place in their emotional life.
She works from a modern psychoanalytic perspective informed by ego psychology, object relations, attachment theory, self-psychology, trauma psychology, and neuropsychoanalysis, as well as contemplative studies.
Currently, assistant teaching online at Dharma College, “Searcher Reaches Lands Limits” a commentary on Tarthang Tulku’s “Revelations of Mind”.
Length of treatment is open ended and at a frequency of several times a week. This modality is the most effective treatment for persistent difficulties in relationships, work, and life satisfaction.
Length of treatment is variable and sessions are usually at least once weekly. This modality is useful for working with repeating patterns of difficulty in relationships, work performance, or persistent difficult mood or anxiety states.
Ongoing or time limited supervision or consultation is available for the purposes of discussion challenging clinical situations, or for the purpose of developing clinical skill in psychodynamic or psychoanalytic work.
Our minds are extraordinarily rich and powerful. Our suffering stems from the insufficient or misguided use of our minds. The essence of our work will be to help you see the ways and the reasons you habitually and unknowingly interfere with your inherent capacities. The result will be the unlocking of your potential and the attainment of the freedom to use your mind to work, love and play creatively and joyfully.